Saturday, January 10, 2015

Caledon Beyond the Grid: Crown Colonies "Out There", 2015.1.11

Faerie Scribe
Caledonia ~ Aevalle Galicia-Constantine
Cubidon ~ Mr. X and Callidus Waydelich

One of the main ideals of the Victorian mindset was that of exploration and colonization. In its own way, Caledon has followed this tradition, both within Second Life and outside the Grid. Those who are new to our shores may not know of the handful of SL-based Caledon crown colonies that once existed but many "oldbies" have plenty of stories to share about their exploits in these colonies. Want to start a rousing conversation around a campfire or at a pub? Ask an older Caledonian about how many times he/she died at Mondserrat or about the dances and musical offerings at the Marzipan Teahouse in Kinvara.

This week, however, I wanted to focus on the colonies off-grid that can still be accessed. One is a ghost town, the other a thriving continent in its own right with a core group of active residents who call it home.

Caledon's colony in Blue Mars, Caledonia, was started in 2009 and lasted until Blue Mars announced that the platform would no longer be updated. The colony still stands in virtual space for explorers who want to visit and, though it is much a ghost town, the views are still quite pretty. 

Caledonia's land mass is about 30% larger than the Caledon continent at its zenith (which at that time consisted of 50 sims). Guv’nah Shang estimates the land mass of Caledonia to be around one million square meters. 

Upon landing, visitors find themselves in the main town area, full of storefronts, municipal buildings and parkland. For explorers from the SL Caledon, Caledonia's style will be very familiar. The welcome sign bears the traditional colors and font of the nation. The buildings are overwhelmingly in the established "Guv'natorial" flavor. The Vicereine has a store not far from the welcome sign, displaying Her Lionesse's well-known logo. On the other side of the central park, Prop Spinners offers visitors a trip back in time to the old pub from the original Steam Sky City.

Caledonia Welcome Sign
Caledonia Shops

Surrounding the central park and shopping area, you'll find neighborhoods containing various styles and sizes of Victorian homes. There is a beach area near the town with a wooden boardwalk for long afternoon strolls. Don't be surprised if you stumble upon a chicken or two, waddling around the settlement. These once were part of a quest hunt but now remain as cute feathered mascots or town pets.


Caledonia Neighborhood in Fog

Caledonia Boardwalk
Caledonia Chicken

Further out from the town, roads and trails wind through the hills and forests. Along one of the main roads, travelers will cross a bridge reminiscent of the legendary Eponia Gate Bridge into Caer Firnas, a former sim in southern Caledon.

Caledonia Bridge

If you're lucky enough to stumble upon a set of golden rings, you can teleport to areas even further away, such as the remote offshore islands or atop the tallest of the mountains. 

Caledonia Village as seen from an Off-Shore Island

Since there is no flying in Blue Mars, visitors could spend hours upon hours exploring the colony and countryside and still not see all of it. (Unfortunately, for the fashionably-minded, the starter outfits are not in theme, so be prepared to explore in jeans and a t-shirt or minidress.)

For those more squarely-minded, Cubidon is Caledon's colony in Minecraft. Cubidon has changed a few times, being rebuilt after upgrading of servers, the last of which happened in September of 2014.

Square Shang
Underground Monsters

Town Buildings in Old Cubidon
Shang Headquarters in Old Cubidon
Old Cubidon Map

Cubidon is nothing less than huge (Guv'nah Shang says that it has the surface area of Neptune!), having several different sectors--a town, an industrial area, a jungle and rain forest, a tribal village, as well as fortresses and hideouts for several evil geniuses. 

Garden in New Cubidon
Cubidon Rail
Cubidon City
Cubidon Guv'nah's Mansion
Mansion Interior

I caught up with the leader of the Uka Uka tribe, Callidus Waydelich, to query him about the untamed areas of Cubidon. At first, it was apparent that his time spent with the tribe had overrun his senses as he answered "Uka Uka!!!" to all my questions. But as the interview continued, he regained his sense of Caledon English and our conversing went much more easily.

According to Chief Uka Mahaka/Admiral Waydelich, the Uka Uka tribal lands consist of 500-750 square meters of the Callizon Rain Forest. Much of this is hunting grounds. Their village consists of tree-house structures built around the jungle trees. While some of the tree platforms provide housing, others have been covered with soil to provide safe farmland or livestock pens for chickens, cows, or pigs (which is currency for the Uka Uka). Larger platforms hold the Witch Doctor's Hut and Ceremonial Hall. The Chief informed me that these buildings stand out because of the thatched roofs, as thatch hard to find in the rain forest and is a status symbol amongst the tribe. 

Rail Approaching the Callizon Jungle
Uka Uka Treehouse as seen from across the Jungle
Uka Uka Warrior

Beneath the huts at ground level, a mine shaft provides the Ukas with minerals to use themselves or trade in barter, mainly with the archaeologists from ShangCorp.

ShangCorp at the Mines

The Chief warns that hapless visitors probably will not live to find the village. At night, the jungle is full of spawning monsters. Even in the daylight, though, the Ukas have surrounded their territories with booby traps that only they themselves or trained pathfinders might avoid. 
Callizonian Rain Forest Section

More can be found about Caledonia and Cubidon out on the web:



Chief Uka's full interview:

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